18 Des 2020

Gratitude Jurnal #DNEvents 2020

Gratitude Jurnal Dian Nafi #DNEvents 2020 

dian nafi

Biasanya Gratitude Jurnal #DNEvents ditulis menjelang akhir tahun, merangkum seluruh event yang dilakukan Dian Nafi sepanjang tahun itu. Namun karena tahun 2020 ini beda, Gratitude Jurnal #DNEvents 2020 ditulis mulai akhir April ini ya. Namun tetap merangkum semua event dari awal tahun 2020. dan akan  diperbarui terus setiap ada event baru, alias update. Jadi, stay tune!

Tentu saja sebagian besar event dan kegiatannya dilakukan secara online dari rumah karena ada pandemic corona yang mengharuskan kita semua stay at home. 

Stay safe. Stay healthy ya!

After last year's journal of gratitude like these (below)
#DNEvents 2019
#DNEvents 2018
#DNEvents 2017

#DNEvents 2016
#DNEvents 2015
#DNEvents 2014
#DNEvents 2013
#DNEvents 2011-2012

so we go to Journal #DNEvents 2020


Mendampingi Pembimbingan Manasik Haji KBIH 

Workshop Parenting Fatayat NU

Konferensi Muslimat NU 

Penganugerahan Finalis Lomba Blog Bank Indonesia - Jakarta

Buku Baru: Kumpulan Cerita Anak Kue Ibu

Sertifikasi Pembimbing Haji dan Umroh - Yogyakarta

Buku Baru: Antologi Travinspira


Buku Baru: Buku Hybrid Paradox

Sertifikasi Pembimbing Haji dan Umroh -Jogjakarta

Buku Baru: Novel Majid

Trip bareng Dinas Pariwisata Palembang 


Gabung Kantor Media

Bakti Lingkungan di Candi Gedong Songo bareng Djarum 

Juri Lomba menulis Cerita Anak

Buku Baru: Buku Kumpulan Cerpen Rumah Kita

Buku Baru: Kumpulan Cerpen Perempuan-Perempuan Pesantren

Buku Baru: Buku Working From Home

Buku Baru: Novel Someone Like You

24-26 April  techstar startup weekend

28 April mengajar kelas online digital marketing womenwill initiative by google

30 April mengajar kelas online Optimasi Media Sosial initiative by google

7 Mei Talkshow Ramadhan RRI: Megengan

9 Mei Talkshow  Budaya RRI: Baratan

20 Mei Zoom Class: writerpreneurship di era new normal

27 Mei Zoom Brainstorming Penulis Arsitektur


5 juni Digital Content Class

10 webinar penulis arsitek - Lasem Heritage

12 zoominar etnografi leiden 

16 juni kelas digital marketing women will by google 
17 juni kelas sosial media marketing women will by google 

19 zoominar etnografi seni dan museum leiden 

22 how to pivot to virtual speaking

29 juni webinar writerpreneurship di era new normal - Gramedia Academy 


16 juli how to create extraordinary life

juli sharing kepenulisan di komunitas literasi Nderes

juli sharing kepenulisan dan penerbitan di komunitas IIDN

23  juli webinar bppt

menulis buku biografi tokoh publik


aug  unlocking quantum potential
11 aug  meet up germas dinkes
12 aug  meet up memoir tokoh publik
13 aug  gramedia academy webinar forum seller market place

15 aug  kelas kreatif
18 aug talkshow redirect tentang lintas profesi lintas bidang

22-23 aug  KGI 1
28-29 aug  KGI 2

30 aug talkshow tentang aristektur masjid demak dan peran arsitek di masyarakat bareng lingkarluar


10 Live IG Baca Cerpen

12 dapat kontrak penerbitan 4 novel di storial

14 Sept Menjadi Narsum/Trainer pelatihan kepenulisan Kemdikbud di hotel Jakarta Selatan

menulis memoir kepala daerah

24 sept dapat scholarship beasiswa S2 Study Master Public Policy SGPP

26 sept IG Live sharing tentang perempuan dan menulis di LETTSTALK

Tgl 29 sept bedah buku antologi nulis dari rumah (pemenang lomba kemenparekraf) di IIBF (Indonesia International Book Fair) jam 10 bareng Eka Budianta


3 okt talkshow proses kreatif
Tgl 5 okt bedah buku antologi nulis dari rumah (pemenang lomba kemenparekraf) di IIBF (Indonesia International Book Fair) jam 14.00 bareng Agus Noor

Tgl 7 okt bedah buku antologi nulis dari rumah (pemenang lomba kemenparekraf) di IIBF (Indonesia International Book Fair) jam 16.00 bareng Melani Budianta

10 okt talkshow proses kreatif

17 okt talkshow proses kreatif

21 okt talkshow proses kreatif

24 okt talkshow proses kreatif

menulis series buku motivasi dan pengembangan diri

28 okt talkshow proses kreatif

31 okt talkshow proses kreatif


6/11  sharing writerpreneurship di UNNES.

10/11 presentasi paper di 20th Sustainable, Environment and Architecture  International Conference SENVAR 20

13/11 sharing tentang literasi, pemuda dan sinergi di Karang Taruna Gajah

29/11 sharing tentang creative writing di kelas LVL connect


8-9/12 Presentasi Paper di  4th International Conference on Strategic and Global Studies

12/12 bedah buku antologi berjuta pemaafan 

23/12 launch kelas menulis memoir dan biografi di udemy

Terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah bekerja sama. 
Thanks a lot for having me:)

For reservation and any other collaboration, please do not hesitate to contact at 081328767574 or klik bit.ly/orderhasfa or email: dnizers@gmail.com

23 Okt 2020

Intro to Public Sector Economics

 Intro to Public Sector Economics


Saham, Perdagangan, Monitor, Bisnis

Mostly dealing with govt
Ministry, govt institution, etc
Public finance

Govt try to serve health, food, goods and services in this pandemic
Deal w regulation
Perpu no. 1
Hv pondation to run program

Macro economic: fiscal, etc
Public intervention, deal w dailiy life
Ex taxes for income
Public revenue, how govt spent it
Comparing public and privat sector
Public sector produce based on country characteristic ex: bpjs
Good health system, education, infrastructure

Paradox between public vs private sector
Lack of transparancy

How govt react in easy &hard times
It become exam. govt can handle it?
Effecftiveness of govt intervention?
Everyone goes bankrupt now
Social security policy bansos

Public sector economi is a study
Finance, taxation

Public finance about how govt raise money to pay desired facility n service
Focus on microeconomic function of govt, affect allocation of resource and income distribution

Why there is still poor people
Lack of access to bigger market
Govt hard to find good income distribution
The rich have to pay more taxes
Pandemi become momentum for any govt
Chance for transformation to tech
Ground rules focus on basic
Regulatory background to promote it

Bpjs the key is to be patient
Bpjs card at second class should be changed. We hv to check items that we sign. The cost is the time

After function
Compare how good management
Budget of ministry:there are many activities oct nov dec in order to absorbtion
Should objective

Indonesian development not equal on some areas
Desentralisation issuè
Management capability
System of reviewing is not proper
We need to improve it
Why money is there, switch posting to another is not easy
Good provision?
Neglect quality of the budget using

Biggest problem in indonesia is data
Good country ex: spore hv good data
Indonesian People is generous
They still pay bpjs even not get benefit
If we don't sign covid, hospital don't pay the bill
Trouble in indonesia,govt hv many cost for health but hospital not give correct data

Classic problem is faced by public sector in Indonesia
Some ministries spend money to conduct studies, consultant, etc
Sometimes they hv no expertise. Wasting money. Should be mechanism to save budget
Need to reform
Central govt use omnibus law to cut barriers in local area

Local govt capacity is important
Capacity building with workshop for local govt
But big bias if not effective, hv no access. There is gap between local govt and state govt

Taxes is main source of public revenue 60%
Some companies don't obey

Last data provided by social affairs ex: data terpadu 2015. 🤣
We have to update data twice a year to conduct and implement #publicpolicy

development progress can provide benefits for many people. But there are many cases of infrastructure development that seize people's land. Starting from the Kulon Progo case, the land grabbing of BIJB Majalengka,

the construction of a mine, a cement factory in Kendeng. Has an impact on the economic resources of the community in the village, the majority of which come from land.

Dana Bagi Hasil Cukai Hasil Tembakau (DBHCHT) is allocated to purchase hospital equipment. Where, on the other hand, there are many health campaigns against smoking. As at the national level, cover the BPJS with cigarette taxes

Musrenbangnas hv meeting and invite more stakeholders for spesific issues

government must have a KPI, Key Performance Indicator that includes of measuring integrity or in this case work performance

United States try to sue Indonesia to the World Trade Organization for dumping because it has significant effect to their nation income. Because the cigarette from United States Industry has loss it market in United States because of the Cigarette from Indonesia Industry (Kretek)


Gender equility?
Gender responsive budget
Consider on non techinical aspect
Need Implementation Strategy

In term of pandemic. Force majeur
How procedure to switch to allocate

Zakat mechanism for Institution
Dompet dhuafa has done it
What is the regulation

why there is differences in customs clearance process for the same goods?
it might be related to the declared "HS code" in the import declaration by PPJK. In the government's system, when you enter HS code, there will be information on tariff, import taxes and non-tariff barrier

such as SNI, specific licenses, ect. HS code is a self-assessment and a single good/item could be covered by different HS codes. If PPJK 1 use HS code A with 0% tariff and PPJK 2 use HS code B with 25% tariff then you will have a very significant cost difference.

Rather than bansos, maybe it's better to give such as a card, they may take money directly by themselves like ATM or use that card for getting staple food
Because the fact that, most of them are not need the staple food, they need money to pay other expenses

government had generalize what society wants. In the fact,they were wrong
In village, the people who take care of BANSOS get a lot of BENEFITS from CUTTING THE BUDGET such as buying eggs, TEMPE, and other basic necessities. If it's money, it's hard to be corrupted. yeah

Govt is unqualiffied when it comes to distribution and monitoring matter. They thought if the fund has been Given,their job is done

in fact, distribution of BANSOS still discriminative. only given to people who have ID card. Then, what about the vulnerable groups who don't have an ID card and they are affected by the pandemic?

pelaku seni has been informed from april that we will receive support fund in this pandemic, but we don't yet receive it until now (oct)

What the constraints of the distributions?

Is it just PHP?

ID card for the purpose of data record and report on statistic that will provide for many purpose for the government. Such as loan or funding.

Pragmatism is always appear in mind if we talk about diplomacy and policy

Spesific direction to follow US or china style?

Is it possible to combine zakat and tax?

If we give money assistance, at least the people know the exact amount of the assistance that they will get.

it's not only the data issue, it's related with the communication from bottom to top because the one that knows about the community very well is RT/RW level.

Classification of product is still not fix. Always changing

Most of feminist could start from the small thing

Communication and coordination is a big problem of our govt.

Sectoral ego. Ego sektoral.
Sailo. Selfish

HS code changing everytime and make us confusing as importer, the “communication” top down very important then

Public policy should be flexible and adaptive enough
Because there's so many changes and dynamics in reality life

Govt focus in development
But still have problem in equility

Issue on macro economic
Dealing w techocrat is very rigid,hard
They tent to slow adapting new thing

14 Okt 2020

Ngaji Fiscal Policy

Ngaji  Fiscal Policy


 Menghitung, Uang Kertas Euro, Bisnis

Musti konsentrasi. Ngaji fiscal policy soalnya. Allahumma zidnii ilman nafi'a warzuqni fahman wasi'a. Allahummarzuqna fahmannabiyin wa hifdzol mursaliin wa ilhamal malaikatil muqorrobiin birohmatika yaa arhamarrohimiin

Govt and roles Fiscal Policy instruments Fiscal policy as stabilization tool and its limitation Relation between fiscal policy and public debt Discussion

Govt role Program/policies Nawa cita 9 priorities long term dev prog rpjp 2025 Mid term dev prog rpjmn Strategic dev plan renstra

Fiscal policy consist Govt spending Taxes, transfer payment Keynes: G is most effective tool Great depression 1930 Global financial crisis GFC 2008

4 key roles fiscal policy Stabilizing macro economy Affecting income distribution Influencing disposable income Yd or Y-T through net tax (margin between tax paid n transfer payment received by household) Respond demographic change Manage public debt

Income distribution Fiscal policy influence distribution of income through Progressive tax Transfer payment

Measuring income inequality Lorenz curve Gini coefficient

If country have good income distribution, there's equality Lorenz curve is plotted for particular income distribution in economy Line of equality is benchmark case of perfectly equal distribution of income of economy

Numerical measure of income equality known as gini coefficient summarizes info contained in lorenz curve It is ratio of area between line of equality and lorenz curve to total area below the line of equality

Limitation of fiscal policy as stabilization tool:
Fiscal policy n supply side Problem of deficit Fact that fiscal policy is relatively inflexible

Fiscal policy n supply side

FP affect potential output and PAE Govt spending on public capital play significant role in growth of potential input Tax n transfer payment play role in affecting incentive n economic behavior. Also affect potential input

Critic: supply sider view > need for tax cut > lower tax lead people to work harder, save more etc.

PROBLEM Of deficit Second consideration for fiscal policy maker thinking about stabilization policy is the need to avoid large n persistent budget deficit

Sustained govt budget deficit can be harmful>reduce national saving>reduce investment in new capital good (important source of long run economic growth) The need to keep deficit under control may make increasing spending or cutting tax, fight economic slowdown, less attractive option

The fact that fiscal policy (FP) is relatively inflexible FP is not always flexible enough to be useful for stabilization Changes in govt spending or tax mist usually go through a lengthy legislative process> it reduce abolition of FP to respond in timely way to economic condition

How limitation be overcome Spend more on public capital/infrastructure Creating stable/conductive political condition

Euro, Koin, Inflasi, Penyitaan Uang, 1

Relation between FP n public debt Govt hv 3 way to finance the spending Raise tax Borrow money Print money

Desirable level of public debt Low debt reduce crowding out Crowd out=situation when increased rate lead to reduction in private investment spending such that it reduce initial increase of total investment spending

Intergenerational equity Concept that current generation should not impose unfair burden on future Importance FP Presence automatic stabilizer Although FP difficult to change quickly, it may still be useful for dealing with prolonged episode of recession 1930 depression 1990 japan

Kartu Pra-Kerja supposed to be implemented in non-critical time like this. so the policy dealing with labor/worker's maternity leave(cuti hamil), and funeral leave is also part of fiscal policy? white collar are busy at the office saving their companies from being collapsed

everyone deserves payment based on their skills, i dont think there is a company who want to change the employer often. except to those who dont have skills, replaced easily. sad but true. tech has take over. u see the jalan tol, we use card ald

In this situation many tax payers is going to bankruptcy condition, and the raise of the tax in this condition will cause economic sectors in Indonesia collapsed.

it is sad to see some take cash for doing demo. seems that their health problems is not an issue for them

if we have good skills, company will pay us, no worry, but if we got no skills and we have a lot of demands, who want us to work as their employees? seems those who demand a lot, the skills are not directly proportional to their demand, so how can the investor listen to them,

while tech and robot can take over. it is happening round the world, artificial intelligence is taking over. AI and even physical bodied AI is taking over, seems like cyberpunk future is going to be a reality. welcome to blade runner 2020

Any limitation of how much maximum money that government will get from world bank/IMF? because the debt that indonesia have is getting escalade, and we don't know how to pay it back.

Berkebun, Orang Orang, Pekerja, Vietnam

vietnam blue collar wage , minimum wage is around 2 juta by 2020. and vietnam is growing, i checked world bank to confirm then here, most blue collars are doing demo

true Vietnam's minimum wage is lower than here, but are the daily needs in Vietnam have lower price than Indonesia? Vietnam implement different political system from us, which is sosialist-communist. So, their government provide most of the things that their citizen need.

vietnam government is working hard to bring expenses down. hope indonesia government could compete with that

nice to hv govt provide things we need but not with freedom of speech Indonesian is better than socialist communist. maybe we can go back to Indonesia's history in Gerakan NonBlok It will be better than the socialist if there are no conglomerates disturb the policy making

with democracy people can be self-independent even the China is not totally socialist-communist They implement at politic, but for economic, they're not they open for foreign investment. in this globalization era, we couldn't stand alone to boost the economic growth

Prostitution business could also become alternative income Also casino. It happen before as at ancol and around.

the casino in Genting is not open for Malaysian citizens. They allowed foreigners to play at the casino

locals also gamble, entering it illegally before enter hall, we show ID. for Malaysian, they got prohibited china has reforms its economic system into capitalist. But it work though, socialist political system and capitalist economic system turns out can be in line together

make sure the systems can be in line together (Socialist Systems in Politics and Capitalist Systems in Economy), We need a strong govt (single political party system) Karl Marx might be shock with this reality (capitalist and socialist are complementary each other)

to face China's thread, we have to accelerate bureaucracy reform,etc the problem was not how Marx can topple the capitalist,but how cant Marxism can CONTROL the capitalist into developing national economy Karl Marx will make a revisions on his theory about economics n religion

single political party system means less disruption, less conflict, Orba did it with 3 party system, yet the corruption went rampant. :( to make sure the single party systems will run in line that need a strong figure that have strong influence in all over Indonesia.